Questions on Custom Installation

What is custom installation?

Custom Installation can range from having the sound from your DVD coming from your amplifier to high-end in-wall speakers, or a myriad of sub-systems including lighting/heating/audio-visual solution to control your home – custom installation is the personal tailoring on how you want the various sub-systems in your home to function and operate based on your own lifestyle needs.

Custom installation can be broken down into four main components, although you will find that these components blend and interact with each other in a variety of ways resulting in your custom installation solution: Audio, Visual, Networking and Automation.

What is audio custom installation?

The audio system is the heart of the home. Try watching your favourite film with no sound and you will appreciate how important good quality sound really is. Choosing and installing a high quality sound system is the foundation for any custom installation.

A basic custom installation set-up may involve a competent amplifier, high end speakers and professional cabling to provide an enclosed audio system. The next logical custom installation progression would be to add controllable sources such as CD players, or invest in a central music server which can distribute your music collection to any room in your house through hard disk archiving.

The major benefit of the custom installation archive is the ability to distribute the music to multiple locations simultaneously so that each member of the family can listen to a different track, or watch a film, in a different room at the same time.

Hard disks archives make browsing your CD or DVD collection easy as they utilise simple menus displayed on your television, allowing you to search your collection for artists, genres or albums or even create play lists of your favourite tracks. The onscreen menu also displays the full track listings and album covers by automatically downloading them from the internet.

What is visual custom installation?

With the advent of high-quality recording in the form of DVD and high-definition sources, choosing the right custom installation is critical to your viewing pleasure. Recent times have seen the prices of plasma screens drop, the size of LCD screens increase, and the development of high-definition projectors.

If you want a true home cinema room then a DLP or LCD front projection unit is the best option as they give by far the most cinematic image available and provide a real cinema feel. A custom installation projector is also the most cost effective way to achieve a big screen image and for the same price as a good quality 42” plasma screen a good quality projector will produce a seven foot wide image of superior quality to a plasma screen.

What is home networking custom installation?

The wired, and more commonly, the wireless world, now feature prominently in home appliances. Custom installation means that your PC is no longer the only piece of hardware capable of accessing the internet. Technology has now reached the stage where this is no longer a fiction but a reality. Through custom installation, a modern house can be equipped with the electronics to make almost every aspect of your life at home easier and more enjoyable.

We use control systems to allow us to fully integrate every single aspect of an automated home in to a simple touch screen interface. Typically a custom installation would have touch screen panels in the wall of the kitchen, lounge, cinema and master bedroom from where you can browse the internet, choose a DVD or CD, check the temperature in each room and adjust it accordingly or view the garden CCTV cameras.

What custom installation do I need?

Custom installation is a wide-ranging subject as it can involve everything from the structure of the house through to making your projector screen come down when you switch on the DVD player. Magna Syber Systems will work with you to ensure you achieve everything you want form an automated home.

Custom installation is all about your individual tastes and needs. It’s your opportunity to create a unique installation just for you.

What products do we recommend for custom installation?

We have access to a variety of top quality products, which enables us to design, engineer, install and program a system that best fits your lifestyle and budget.

Although we have access to a variety of system manufacturers, we are not tied to any individual product line, this approach allows us to design the best possible system that fits your needs and lifestyle.

If box A is not what you require, and then we will use BOX B, because that product best fits what you the owner needs.

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